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  • ARC Science
  • 分类:大型投影系统


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ARC Science Simulations was incorporated in 1981 as Applied Research & Consulting by Thomas Ligon and is located in beautiful Loveland, Colorado. In 1989 the business was redirected towards science software with the release of Dance of the Planets® (affectionately known by thousands as Dance). After many good Dance years with regular updates, a decision was made to pursue Earth-from-space visualization products which lead to the creation of the Face of the Earth™ cloudless earth image released in 1995. This lead to museum and other exhibit projects, and most recently the invention and development of the OmniGlobe®, the first self-contained spherical digital display.
The hallmark of ARC Science Simulations has been and remains a tight adherence to high aesthetic quality and good science. To the extent possible, our imagery and visualization creations present a picture that is well informed, interesting, and attractive. These qualities are available to others creating their own derivatives using ARC source products. 
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