在过去77年中,科视一直是为世界级的组织提供视觉解决方案的领先厂商,提供适用于商用、娱乐和行业的各种应用。 自从1929年涉足胶片电影放映和1979年涉足专业投影系统以来,科视凭借其专业技术,在全球范围内赢得了作为提供各种显示技术和解决方案的世界最佳厂商的声誉,其解决方案适用于电影、大型观众环境、控制室、商务演示、培训设施、3D和虚拟现实、模拟仿真、教育、媒体和政府等领域。 科视已经在世界各地安装了75000多个投影解决方案。
科视范围广泛的技术包括DLP Cinema™投影机、LCD与DLP™投影机、联网解决方案、35mm胶片放映机、背投模块与DLP投影箱体、显示墙控制器、以及用于3D、虚拟现实和模拟仿真的先进投影技术。 无论是什么应用,科视的视觉解决方案都可以满足独特的投影需要,并且有业界领先的服务和支持作为后盾,可以完全确保客户满意。
使用科视视觉显示解决方案的全球机构有AMC、AT&T全球网络运营中心、波音、Buckhead社区教堂(乔治亚州亚特兰大市)、Carlton Screen Advertising(英国)、Cinemark、中国电影集团、达拉斯警察局、康涅狄格州照明电力公司、Deluxe、德国电信、奥兰多的第一浸礼会教堂、乔治敦大学、通用汽车、Harrod's、Industrial Light & Magic、意大利军方、日本国立聚变科学研究所、微软、Loews、蒙特利尔警察局、Paramount Parks' Star Trek Borg Invasion 4D、Pixar Animation Studios、Regal CineMedia Corp.、Scripps Network、壳牌、深圳电信、中国石化、索尼映画制片公司、星巴克、台湾空军、多伦多证券交易所(TSX)、Tulane大学的A.B. Freeman商学院、伊利诺斯大学、Urbana & Wharton商学院。
作为一家私营企业,科视在美国加州的Cypress和加拿大安大略省的Kitchener都设有制造厂,并且都通过了ISO 9001:2000认证。 分支机构设在智利、法国、德国、匈牙利、西班牙、意大利、新加坡、中国(北京和上海)、日本、韩国和英国。
Christie is a global leader in the manufacture of visual solutions for business, entertainment and industry.
Often considered the “professional’s choice”, as Christie maintains the practice of developing purpose-built display systems despite offering amongst the widest selection of display technologies. Today Christie systems are used to meet applications as diverse as digital cinema for movie exhibition to 3D stereo displays used by the automotive and avionics industries for product modelling.
Christie, has pioneered projection technology and is credited with many industry firsts - in particular those associated with CRT systems, cinema and digital projection and has received two awards for technical excellence from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.
Christie employs more than 1,000 professionals worldwide and Christie’s EMEA operation (Europe, Middle East and Africa) is supported by strong team of dedicated personnel to deliver first rate technical and customer support, application engineering and design, marketing and sales for from their headquarters in Wokingham, Berkshire, United Kingdom.
From its EMEA headquarters Christie supports a network of local technical, customer services and sales teams across the region and this is further reinforced with full-service facilities in France, Germany, Hungary and United Arab Emirates. Visual Solution Centres are located at the UK, French And German offices.
Christie’s manufacturing and assembly facilities are located in Cypress, California, USA (Christie’s international headquarters) and in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, the site of a modern ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 1400:1 certified facility.